Home is where your heart is

Home is where your heart is

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.

Oh boy did I have a rough day yesterday! I didn't feel well and I was impatient and emotional and people said and did some mean things. It was a really hard day and I was feeling really sorry for myself. That night when John got home from work he asked me how my day was and I told, in tears, him all the rotten things that had happened to me that day. After I had calmed down we said our couple prayer together and John thanked the Lord for the day. After the day I had just had I wished that it had never happened and I wasn't grateful at all.
I knew as soon as I finished that thought that it was wrong. I thought back on my day as I got ready for bed and I started to focus less on the terrible parts, and more on the happy parts. I got to sleep in since I wasn't feeling well. As soon as I woke up Benjamin yelled "mamma!" and ran smiling into my arms, I got to hear the kids laughing and playing with daddy for a few minutes before he left for work, we had time to play together, I made Glen's day be letting him have a few extra minutes in the play area at Charles Jr. and he came down the slide just to give me a kiss and say "I love you." After thinking about it for a few minutes I realized that it wasn't such a terrible no good day, it was a normal day. But it was a day where I chose to focus on the two or three things that bothered me to the point of excluding the huge list of things that made it such a wonderful day. I heard once that we get what we focus on consistently, that is why I try to be positive and not complain. So on those terrible, horrible, no good, very bad days I am going to try and find some things that are good, and ya know what? I don't think it will be all that hard.

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