Home is where your heart is

Home is where your heart is

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Deep thoughts

Today I heard on the radio about California being very in debt and how the government is in debt. There is never enough money and everyone wants more then they have. I say that is the key, everyone wants more then they have. I was very blessed at a young age to learn to be happy with what I have. I figure it's like this, you can try to have what you want or want what you have. Having what you want is not always the same as wanting what you have.
I often think of the way people lived years ago. A simpler time, so to say. Many people had very little compared to what we have today, but they we still happy. One or two toys and children were satisfied. One Sunday dress and shirt, that's all that was needed.
Don't get me wrong, I am grateful for all that we have I feel so blessed. But I am trying to get back to the simpler way of thinking. We do not need the latest, greatest toys. There are things far more important, like family time and love. The thought behind the gift is far better then the gift. I hate getting a gift that I can tell was a last minute gift. I would rather get a gift that had had thought put into it. I do not care about the price, it is the thought.
It is hard in such a materialistic world to have a non-materialistic attitude, but I really want my children to learn that people, love, and companionship are much better then "things."

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