Home is where your heart is

Home is where your heart is

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

so much fun today

I Have always wanted to teach my kids to cook. Today I felt like Glen was old enough to start helping me. We mixed corn bread to put in our chili pie. He dumped the mix into the bowl and helped crack an egg (he liked that) pour the milk (which he tried to drink first as you can see) and stir the corn bread mix. I had so much fun helping him make dinner, and I think he enjoyed it as well.

This is the first smile I have been able to catch on camera. Benjamin smiles so much, but they are so fast that by the time I get the camera out and ready the smile is gone. What luck to catch this one. Benjamin is such a happy smiley boy, and so talkative. I love it!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck, once you tell them they can help it's down hill from there.
