I am grateful for my life. I have so much to be grateful for in my life. My children, my husband, my extended family, the gospel. I am just happy to be alive. I love to run, feel the wind, dance crazy with my kids and slow with my husband. I like to smell flowers and watch thunderstorms. There is so much.
But you know what I have really been thinking about today? The life before and after this one. I have never struggled with questions about who I am, where I came from, or where I am going when I die. I am grateful that it makes sense. I know that before I was born I lived in Heaven with my Heavenly Father. Then I came to Earth and got a body. Then some day I will die and return to live with God again. When some one close to me dies I am especially grateful for this knowledge. I know that his life is not the end. I know that we will be together again. I am grateful because it is so sad to me to see someone who thinks that dying is the end, that after this life there is nothing. If that were the case I would wonder what is the point in living. If there is no reward or punishment after, is there is no life after death, then what is the point of this life? But that is not the case. I am living my life the best way I can and getting better every day because I know that if I am good and righteous some day I will live with my Father in Heaven again, and that in my greatest ambition.
The Junk Drawer Analogy
6 days ago
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