We had three pets, but now we have two. Katy, our green Katydid died last night. I have been expecting it since she laid eggs. I am pretty sure female katydid's lay eggs shortly before they die. I showed the kids just a second ago and they took her outside to find a final resting place for her.
Call me crazy, I have received a lot of criticism already, but I am not hiding the hard parts of life from my kids. They know about death, pain, bad people, and blood. Don't get me wrong, I want to protect them. I want to shield them, I want their little lives to be as blissfully naive as possible so they don't feel pain, sorrow and all that other stuff that is...less then happy. But that is not how life is. More then protecting my children I want to prepare them. I will not always be around to protect them and I want them to know how to cope when bad things happen, as they surely will. I want them to know that when bad things happen it is not their fault, it is not because they are bad, it's just a part of life. It is a part of the plan our loving Heavenly Father has for us. Because of the negative in life we are better able to appreciate and cherish the positive parts of life. I want to help them see that even when life is hard, they still have a loving Father and they are blessed.
So anyway, I showed them that Katy had died and when Glen asked why I explained that bugs don't live very long and that dying is a part of life. He is worried that the grass hoppers will be lonely. What a sweet boy.
The B Date with My Boy
2 days ago