Home is where your heart is

Home is where your heart is

Monday, September 10, 2018

Too busy

     Sometimes being busy is unavailable.  Taking your sweet time getting peaches taken care of means peaches with extra fuzz, if you know what I mean.   Having boys who are passionate about soccer makes for late nights.   There will always be holidays, parties, special occasions and a life full of living to do.  I don't mind being busy, but I also don't mind slowing down.  
     Today I had the opportunity to make cookies for a friend who just got back from a long trip.  She is Elizabeth's Sunday school teacher and Elizabeth just adores her.  I came back from a Knights club meeting and grocery shopping to a house that was a mess and I immediately felt overwhelmed.  I really wanted to put off making cookies for another day, but I had made promises and I keep my word.  After I pout away the groceries I washed a few dishes so we could make cookies.       
     Unfortunately it wasn't the relaxing memory making activity I wanted it to be, not inwardly anyway.  I think the girls had a good time, but I was stressed, especially when Abigail tilted the beater and splattered cookie dough all over the counter.  I can laugh at it now, but it was one more thing at the time.  While the cookies baked I banished the kids to the basement and tried to nap in between the 12 minute cook times.  
     When the cookies were done we took three plates to friends.  Sometimes I feel so selfish serving, I get so much out of it.  It's more then just a good feeling knowing it made someone happy.  I love to see the way that my kids faces light up as they talk about how happy this person will be.  I love the indecision.  Whenever I feel like I don't have any friends I need to make a batch of cookies or banana bread because I always have a hard time choosing who to take it to.  
     Today was an altogether wonderful experience.    We stayed to talk with Elizabeth's Sunday school teacher.  As we sat there talking I saw my life from a different perspective.  She reminded me to be grateful for what I have.  I am so blessed!  I have four beautiful, wonderful, sweet children who fill my days with joy and life.  I have the opportunity each day to stay home with them and to have them home with me for school.  That means I get to be a part of the joy and magic they find in little moments.  I wish there were glasses to help you see the world the way a child does.  Simple things bring such joy!  I think of tea parties, bubbles, dry ice, games, imaginative play, trampolines, leaves, flowers, new shoes, kittens.  I feel like I should start singing "My favorite things"
     I am grateful to take a few minutes...or an hour, with her to sit and feel grateful.  I'm still stressed over the house work to be done tomorrow and exhausted from last weeks canning marathon, but I feel like I can handle it.  A weight has been lifted from my mind  and I can tackle another day with renewed joy in motherhood.  Thank you, my friend!  Thank you for blessing my life.

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