I really liked the way it turned out. I made the cake from scratch, adding sprinkles to the mix for a bit of a confetti look. Then I used black food coloring I found to make white frosting "silver." The grill marks on the cake, around the base and on the food are made from black licorice. I cut the licorice up small to stick it on the burgers and hot dogs. The hamburgers are chocolate covered graham crackers, the hot dogs and cheese are melted and shaped star bursts, and the shishka bob is just jelly fruit pieces stuck on a chop stick.
I had fun making this cake until the cheese bit me. I am so serious... I left the "cheese" too long to cool and it went hard. When I was trying to get it off the plate it poked me and I started bleeding. I had to get a band aid before I could finish making the cake. You have to work with the star bursts warm or they do not shape well, so it is between bleeding fingers or burning fingers. Be careful, this cake can be dangerous. =D
Over all it was a hit.
The Junk Drawer Analogy
4 days ago