I have seen the same process at work in chores. I have tried countless ways of trying to get my kids to do chores. We tried various charts, and we've tried reward systems, and we've tried consequences, we've tried no dinner until your chores are done and no friends until your chores are done and so many other things I can't even count them and nothing worked for very long. But when I sat down with them and I said "we need to find a solution to the housework problem, what can we do?" They came up with ideas, their ideas, not mine! And they are so willing to fulfill their responsibilities because it was their idea, it was their desire and not mine. When they grew frustrated with the amount of housework that they took on I asked them if they wanted to trade and they said no they prefer their way, they prefer their ideas. And I didn't step in, I've learned to get out of their way and let them make choices. And what I've seen is that when I give them assignments, when I tell them what to do, they don't want to do it, but when I say "here's what we need to do today how should we work this out?" they divide jobs amongst themselves on their own and they do it. Even my grumpiest child, the one who is the hardest to get to do anything is the most willing to do it, my most distracted child gets done the quickest and with more focus. The younger girls are learning to follow the lead of their brothers and to work together as a team. The housework is not done perfectly, but I gets done well. They don't vacuum every time, or follow my checklist, but they really do a very good job.