This amazing chocolate mousse cake was made (and photographed, hope you don't mind LaChelle) by my sister in law the Sugar Duchess, I say she is the queen of all things sweet and good, and this mousse cake is no exception. It's rich and creamy and all around yummy, as in died and gone to heaven yummy...where was I going with this? Oh yeah, I had a point.
The other day I was thinking about why I love to share my testimony and I got to thinking about that little beauty up there. See, I don't tell you what I believe because I think you are wrong, or you need to be saved, or because I get some sort of bonus when someone gets baptized, I share because of love. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, more commonly known as the Mormons, maybe you saw the Meet the Mormons movie? Anyway, one of the beliefs we have as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is that God has enough love and blessing for everyone. I share my testimony and share how blessed I am because I want other people to feel the joy I feel. How can I feel such joy and love without wanting to share? So imagine this to die for chocolate mouse cake, you just got a piece from LaChelle, and you try it and you realize how amazing it is. You might be tempted to keep it to yourself because it's so good, but it's too good to keep to yourself. You call in your husband and tell him he HAS to try it. Then you call your kids in. You don't want to stop there though, you want to share it with your neighbors and all of your friends. When you find out you now have an unlimited supply of this wonderful decedent dessert you do share it with everyone you know, but it's so wonderful you want to share it with everyone, even total strangers.
That's is what I spent hours thinking about one night. I may or may not have been slightly distracted by the chocolate mousse cake, but the point is that I finally could put into words, or food, why I want so much to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with EVERYONE! It's just too good to keep to myself.
The B Date with My Boy
2 days ago